Who we are...
We are a CrossFit gym located in Austell, Georgia (just west of Atlanta). We've been affiliated with CrossFit since early 2018. We were built on the mindset that the methodology set forth by Coach Glassman (constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity, coupled with the foundation of a solid nutrition plan) is a "life-changing" approach to health and fitness...hence the name, "Momentous". Although, certain faces might've changed over the years, our mission remains the same. What we teach, what we practice, and what we live is unparalleled in the fitness community. Should you desire to experience a life-change in your own right, this is the place for you! Come join us.

Hi there!
My name is Josh. I'm the owner/operator of CrossFit Momentous. I've been following the CrossFit methodology for nearly 15 years and coaching for nearly 8 of those years. I currently hold my CF-L2 Certification. I actually write all of the programming for the Momentous world...so I guess that makes me the one to blame should you absoutely hate the workout!! All said, this is my passion. I trust that you will find that to be true should you step through our doors, or join along online!

Yo, yo!
My legal name is Chris, but there are wayyy too many Chris' in the world, so I go by Block. I am 25+yr vet of the City of Atlanta Fire Dept. of which I am currently in the Investigations Division. I have a passion for coaching/ teaching, and have been doing so in the CrossFit world for over a decade. And...I'm always down to take care of any puppies you might feel led to bring with you while you work out!!